Thursday, July 12, 2012

Last year when I ventured out to live on my own, I found a card at the store that I framed that says, "The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind and washed by the water and polished to brilliance by life's strongest storms." I have almost put this card away on a number of occasions, but held off from parting ways with it without really knowing why.

Today I picked up a few new river rocks in addition to some really smooth pieces of glass while sitting out by the bay under the shade of a tree. Afterwards, I put the rocks and glass in the cup holder in my car to bring them home and add to my collection. It dawned on me on my way home how these rocks symbolize all that was and is. They are beautiful after enduring the storms. I, too, am beautiful in this way.

I will be holding on to the card, the rocks, the glass, and the peace I have found. I am spiritually moved and humbled.


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