Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jack Johnson. How did it take me so long to find his music?! Good stuff.

Also good catching up with some old friends yesterday in the beautiful weather.

Superb weekend so far... :-)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Enveloping myself in music and just taking in the day! Perfect morning... woke up to my mini-me singing to me, smiled lots, cleaned the kitchen, started laundry, and fell deeper in love with music. I really do LOVE it! Happy day. :-)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Walking the Ma/Pa Trail yesterday. What a special time that was. Spectacular day from start to finish!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Good days!! Ones that start off with this...

...And end with hikes in the woods with kids.

What a blast!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Knowing that with every death comes rebirth. Simple and true...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Buddhist Boot Camp FB posts. One led me to this song... How many people could you sing this to?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Found this on a yoga blog and it resonates with me on so many levels...

"Stay with those difficult sensations and face the obstacles before you.  Every time we run away from difficulty we weaken ourselves;  when true adversity faces us, will we have the strength to stand up to it?
Observe what arises in the mind;  what feelings are there?  Have we felt that way before?  What happened then?  Try not doing anything right away – simply watch your mind, notice if there is something deeper, below the surface.  Who is the Watcher, watching the mind race?
Understand over time how this process of observation can help lead us to freedom from the tyranny of our unwanted thoughts.  This won’t happen overnight, the deepest transformations happen slowly and imperceptibly.  We don’t need to direct this process.  Every time we step onto our yoga mat our physical practice, yoked to our breath, will take care of that.  The postures themselves unlock stored tensions, blocked sensations, hidden experiences and emotions and transform them without our conscious awareness.
Let go of your judgement, your expectations!  Life is full of ups and downs;  we can do everything right and still things go south, we can do everything wrong and have things turn our alright.  If we set our expectations too high we are bound to be disappointed.  Set them too low and perhaps we cheat ourselves of the joy of working towards something truly rewarding despite the struggle!"
This BEAUTIFUL spring day which followed a darker day for me. Still processing through grief I didn't even know was still around. Slow going... but days like today help out for sure.