Thursday, January 25, 2018

Annual day of reflection for me (as if I don't continually reflect - ha!). It turned out to be a really busy but fairly decent day, I suppose. I've been struggling at work a bit, and I've been seeking clarity for myself about what is next for me. I'm getting close to figuring it out. Funny how I had more figured out at the age of 22 than I do at the age of 26 plus a dozen (!) years, or so I thought... Priorities definitely shift with age and life circumstances, and the almighty dollar stops driving decisions after a certain point. I have a feeling this will be an exciting year for me. Last year depleted my energy and I'm ready to re-emerge ensuring I take care of myself and my family to the best of my ability (certainly acknowledging that will never be perfect, but great would be awesome!). I'm grateful for opportunities to grow and evolve. God knows I've learned a lot and have many lessons to go!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

These lyrics resonate so deeply with me still. Sometimes I am reminded that unconditional love comes in many forms which may entail learning hard lessons or even loving quietly from a distance. It is so delicate but still so true.