Friday, January 23, 2015

Change. It really is the only constant in life. As I come up to my annual day of reflection, I have spent ample time reflecting in preparation! :-)

I am so very grateful for so much. I have been through so very much which brought me to this place, right where I know I am meant to be. That statement is so very deep and meaningful to me that I cannot even begin to convey the truth in the sentiment behind it. Suffice it to say, I brought life in to this world who I know with every single ounce of my being, I have known before. It is incredible... absolutely magical. No, everyday life is not perfect - in fact it is far from that, but when I am able to quiet the chatter in my mind, I can hear that internal voice saying, "yes, you are exactly where you meant to be." I'm so very much in love with my baby K and mini-me M and the lessons they teach me daily. It is a privilege to be a mommy to them.

Also still processing the past five years and all of the lessons learned over that time. There are too many to count. One of the biggest has been to get to know myself and my truth and live it every single day. Over time this has altered my core and although I'm a much less social person than I once was, I am able to fully account for my intentions and motivations all the time. Hindsight is 20/20 and things are so clear to me now that I wish I would have realized earlier, but that would have resulted in me being in a different place than I am right now which is where I know I want and need to be. The beauty is that I know am am fortunate enough to have experienced love in all kinds of forms. Just today I received a text message from my ex-husband that he is grateful for my continued friendship. Granted, some of the continuation of that friendship was forced by the link of our mini-me but it has stood the test of time and has even spilled over in to a friendship between my husband and my ex (yes, to the tune of them riding bikes together sometimes!). I sit in amazement over the way life has turned out sometimes. If you would have asked me at 21 how my life would be when I was 35, I would have given such a different answer than how my life has turned out. Despite that, I bring myself to gratitude for the way it is.

Thank you universe for bringing me here and continuing to challenge me to really know myself. And thank you to any and all who may find and read this post. Namaste.