Journal Entry
I believe in reincarnation and also that familiar souls of past lives have a way of automatically clicking and being in tune with each other if/when they meet up in a new realm. This is despite the human experiences that surround the beings.
I am reading a book now that, like so many others, discusses how our partners in life are here to teach us lessons. So often people aren't able to learn those lessons and continue to repeat them time and again in different relationships. This book also discusses how we are mirrors of each other and both positive and negative qualities we see in others are really just those qualities we have in ourselves. If those qualities exist in us and we have healed (or accepted) them, we simply acknowledge them as we encounter them. On the other hand, if we have unresolved qualities in us, oftentimes when we see those negative qualities such as dishonesty, mistrust, etc., this creates an emotional stir. We must learn to embrace our whole - the good and the bad before we are able to learn the lessons, detox from our emotional baggage, and heal ourselves.
So my questions from all of this are - is it possible to meet a soul who you have known over the course of many lifetimes and who is here now to teach you lessons? And can this very same soul and being learn the lessons necessary to move forward to a more spiritually enlightened life too? I think the answers are yes. Something in my being tells me they are...
The content of this post is not something I expect a lot of people are able to grasp or agree with. On a human level, I have trouble understanding it at times. However, when I take myself back to my spiritual realm, it makes a lot of sense. And all I can think is how wonderful it would be to share all of this with someone who truly understands and respects it (and me, for that matter).
Faith. Recently I was asked, by someone who I love very much, how I can still have faith. After all my apparent downs of 2011, believe me - it is not easy. But when I push the extraneous details aside and listen to my core being, I know that the Universe will provide me with the people, circumstances, and whatever else is necessary to enable me to grow, thrive, and live my best life. I trust that I am learning the necessary lessons to move on through my life in a more enlightened manner. It's exciting to consider.
Thank you. To the Universe, to everyone who has put up with me this year (and forever!), to my support people, even to the mountains and waterfalls of MD. You are all beautiful!