Saturday, June 30, 2012

Contemplating the power of words. I've always been a words and actions type of person, but over the past few days I have experienced the sheer power of just words. I think I've always been impacted highly by words, good or bad. I now see this part of me and wonder what to do with this information. In time, I will know. Such is the flow of life... I am so grateful to have the ability to see into myself, and hope that those around me appreciate the person I am as a result. Namaste, loves.
Running in the woods (prefer the 70 degree weather to the 95 degree weather!). I can't say it enough -- it's so peaceful. :-)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This reminder. So simple, so true. Thank you Wayne Dyer and Hay House for including this song in the latest movie. This will be on repeat as this is a message I need to hear at this very moment in my life.
When there’s no way out, there’s still a way through
So don’t give up, whatever you do
Surrender to moments things that they are
From the gaps and catch-22s
When there’s no way out, there’s still a way through
Cause now’s all there is…
So peaceful and still
And now you don’t worry about what’s happened or what will
Cause now never ends
And now’s never been
And all of your answers are waiting for you here… now
Cause now’s all there is...
So peaceful and still
And now you don’t worry about what’s happened or what will
Cause now never ends
And now’s never been
And all of your answers lie waiting for you here…now

Monday, June 25, 2012

Loving myself. Lots of thoughts have been racing around my head for the past few days but I had the opportunity to run tonight and took a few minutes to reflect on things again afterward. I am brought back to that voice in me that tells me to go ahead and love myself. All is well. Always.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Finding this song. It may have been intended as a romance song, but it's lyrics fully apply to my feelings toward my baby girl, watching her grow in to a little lady, and envisioning her becoming an adult. I will be singing this one to her frequently. I treasure the moments we have right now so very much.


A beautiful and blinding morning
The world outside begins to breathe
See clouds arriving without warning
I need you here to shelter me

And I know that only time will tell us how
To carry on without each other

So keep me awake to memorize you
Give me more time to feel this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same

And I know that only time will tell me how
We'll carry on without each other

So keep me awake for every moment
Give us more time to be this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me
All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see

We can't stay like this forever
But I have you here today

And I will remember
Oh I will remember
Remember all the love we shared today
Watching my girl and her cousins have a blast at a family party yesterday... and seeing my sister and her family too. <3 them all! :-)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Running on a treadmill. I did so today for the first time in ages and am inspired, now, to run the roads or trails from now on no matter how hot it is! Granted I did only two miles on the treadmill and they went by quickly, but I found it to be boring. I miss my old treadmill that inclined and declined and had built-in running paths. Maybe again one day... that's about the only way I'll tolerate treadmill running!

Oh, and the fact that it's Friday deserves some credit. Yay to the end of a busy week and approaching the end of an even busier month. Looking forward to a bit of down time in July.

Every time I go to finish this post, something else pops in to my mind so I'm just going to go with it. For those who believe in energy transfer, I've been sending some out there for various people and if by chance any one of you happens to be reading this, I hope you feel it. It is delivered to you with only love and peace. Namaste.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm drawing a blank for the day. Middle of the road kind of day... I did have the opportunity to share some spiritual reading recommendations with a second cousin today - I'm always welcoming of those opportunities!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Seeing my girl's eyes light up when I told her we were taking Grampy to dinner to celebrate Father's Day. Her instantaneous response, "fishing!!!" She knows that is one of Grampy's favorite past times and really wants to share in it, and negotiated her way in to a fishing trip on the boat next weekend. She is so excited. :-)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My girl practicing meditation this morning. Too cool!

Having a relaxing and peaceful Sunday. My life is so full of goodness and I appreciate it all. Some days it's easier to see than others. Today was one of the clearer days and I am so grateful.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finding a new reading spot, under the shade of a huge tree.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Spending the day with my girl - errands, library, playground. Good times!

Spending the evening meeting two beautiful children and exchanging smiles and laughs with them. :-)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Walking hand in hand with my girl. We had a tough night, but that's part of raising a child. Despite it, she still has the ability to make me smile inside and out. I love you, sweetpea.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Laughing out loud while running by myself. I thought running in the rain was good last night, but it did not even compare to running through a heavy downpour complete with 3 inch high puddles and flooded roads. If I hadn't crossed the threshold of serious running before, I surely did tonight. AND, I had a smile on my face the entire time. I <3 running!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Knowing when I've reached my limit and turning inside to listen to myself. I'm there. I will be sleeping and eating better. A few months ago I vowed that this year would be the year of my health and I feel myself letting it start to slide. Going with the ebb and flow, but consciously drawing myself back to me to make sure my needs are met. What good am I to anyone if I short change myself?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

So very much gratitude for this day... tea latte, run on the Ma/Pa, many laughs with [insert label here] company, ice cream with my parents and girl, a hike and trail run with my girl (a trail run SHE initiated!), and glow-in-the-dark sidewalk chalk with the neighborhood kids. It is overwhelming sometimes when I sit back and think about the good around me. Hell, I even saw what my neighbor believes to be a day or few day old deer this evening. Though all parts of my day were good, my favorite was sitting with my girl at Rock Run, my zen place. I think I am in love with my life!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Being amidst several friends who I have known for TWO decades or more (really? I'm not old enough for that!!!) at the wedding of a dear friend. Beautiful night on the Chesapeake.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Zen delivered to my desk. Thank you!!

Sailboat races at the top of the bay.

Gorgeous sunsets complete with storms rolling in - beautiful purple and orange clouds, some streaks of lightning too.

Fantastic day today.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Good friends. I am happy to have such a strong support system in my life. I reach out and they help me up when I need it. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The shackles of my past. They must be here for a reason. I must have more lessons to learn from the places I've been. I am led back to the profound Serenity Prayer and the simple fact that the sun will rise again tomorrow.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Neighborhood shenanigans including paranormal activity.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Patience and mercy. I was shown these today and I appreciate both beyond words.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Earl grey tea latte. Deliciousness.

A car ride in the country.

Family time.

A gorgeous sunset walk by the water.

Beauty was all around me today. I am so very grateful to see it, touch it, and to feel it in my soul.